

2022/3/30 22:24:28
s HT7650/HT7653 are chopper-stabilizedamplifiers, ideal for low-level signal processing applica-tions. Featuring high performance and versatility, thesedevices combine low input offset voltage, low input biascurrent, wide bandwidth, and exceptionally low driftover time and temperature. Low offset is achievedthrough a nulling scheme that provides continuouserror correction. A nulling amplifier alternately nullsitself and the main amplifier. The result is an input offsetvoltage that is held to a minimum over the entire operat-ing temperature range.The HT7650/HT7653 are exact replacements forIntersil’s HT7650/HT7653. These devices have a10μV max offset voltage, a 0.1μV/°C max input offsetvoltage temperature coefficient, and a 20pA max biascurrent—all specified over the commercial temperaturerange.A 14-pin version is available that can be used witheither an internal or external clock. The 14-pin versionhas an output voltage clamp circuit to minimize over-load recovery time.
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